There are many ways to include children in a simple yet meaningful ceremony, recognising that children’s lives change when you marry.
As your celebrant I can create a ceremony that is unique to your situation and reciognises the importance and the role of each member in your newly formed family.
In the Rose Ceremony, the Bride and Groom give each other a Rose. The Rose Ceremony is placed at the end of the ceremony just before being pronounced husband and wife.
A single rose is the first gift as husband and wife that is given by each other,.
The rose is considered a symbol of love and each year on the anniversary you give each other a rose
This tradition is a way to honour multiple generations of the bride‘s and groom’s families, and/or a way to include any children that the couple may have.
The couple selects a glass bowl they would enjoy having in their new home. Each grandparent, parent, stepparent, godparent and so on is given a bud vase filled with flat coloured marbles, with the separate colours signifying the individuality of each family member.
The grandparents pour their separate colours into the Unity Bowl as the foundation of the wedding of the bride and groom. Each set of parents does the same. After each set of grandparents, parents and so on have added their marbles to the mix, the celebrant stirs the colours creating new mosaics each time.
Siblings and other special friends may be invited to participate, as well.
Then the bride and groom add their two colours, and the contents are mixed again. If there are children, they add theirs after the bride and groom.
All those that have participated, are a contribution, to the lives of the bride and groom.
Just as the mosaic has continually changed it is representative of challenges and change the couple will face, in married life. The bride and groom stir up the design in the bowl to represent they embrace the changes they will face in their married life together .
During this ceremony family and friends wish them health and happiness by.passing the rings to the families of the bride and groom and ask that each family member hold them for a moment saying a silent wish or prayer for the couple, then pass them on to the next person When the rings come back they will contain, in their precious metal, the love, hope and support from friends and family.
Your relationship is symbolised through the pouring of these two individual containers of sand.
As the bride and groom each hold separate containers of sand it represents their lives to this moment; individual and unique.
Blending the sand together is a symbol of the uniting of the bride and groom into one
The goblet of wine is symbolic of the cup of life. The bride and groom promise to share all that the future will bring and they each sip from goblet.
Two taper candles, representing the couple as individuals, are used to light a single centre candle as a visible symbol of their commitment to each other. There are many variations on this ceremony which include the parents or the mothers or just the bride and groom lighting the candles. It is a symbol of two families coming together or the bride and groom as individuals uniting.
These are the hands of your best friend, young and strong and full of love for you, that are holding yours on your wedding day, as you promise to love each other today, tomorrow, and forever.
These are the hands that will work alongside yours, as together you build your future.
These are the hands that will passionately love you and cherish you through the years, and with the slightest touch, will comfort you like no other.
These are the hands that will hold you when fear or grief fills your mind.
These are the hands that will countless times wipe the tears of sorrow, and tears of joy.
These are the hands that will tenderly hold your children.
These are the hands that will help you to hold your family as one.
These are the hands that will give you strength when you need it.
And lastly, these are the hands that even when aged, will still be reaching for yours, still giving you the same unspoken tenderness with just a touch.
Hand fasting Symbolises love and commitment. It is an ancient Celtic ceremony which involves binding the bride and groom’s hands together with coloured ribbons.
Coloured ribbons represent the qualities each person is bringing into the marriage. Clasping each other’s hand from the wrist, each colour and what it symbolises is said as a ribbon is placed over the couples joined hands
Red for strength, courage, good health, prosperity, and longevity
Orange for open hearts, sensitivity and understanding
Yellow for enthusiasm, spontaneity and equality
Green for compassion, affection and caring
Light Blue for sincerity, and honest communication
Purple for clear vision and wisdom, for peace and harmony
Gold for unity and eternal love
Bride, and Groom face each other. The Bride then takes the grooms hands, palms up, so she can see the gift that they are to her.
These are the hands that will passionately love you and cherish you through the years, for a lifetime of happiness. These are the hands that will countless times wipe the tears from your eyes: tears of sorrow and tears of joy. These are the hands that will comfort you in illness, and hold you when fear or grief fill you. These are the hands that will give you support and celebrate with you in your accomplishments.
Groom holds Bride's hands, palms up, so he can see the gift that they are to him.
These are the hands that will hold you tight as you struggle through difficult times. They are the hands that will comfort you when you are sick or console you when you are grieving. These are the hands that will passionately love you and cherish you through the years, for a lifetime of happiness. These are the hands that will give you support as she encourages you to fulfill your dreams. Together, as a team, everything you wish for can be realized.
Celebrant to both Bride and Groom: God, bless these hands that you see before you this day. May they always be held by one another. Give them the strength to hold on during the storms of stress and the dark of disillusionment. Keep them tender and gentle as they nurture each other in their wondrous love. Help these hands to continue building a relationship founded in your grace, rich in caring, and devoted in reaching for your perfection. May [Groom's name] and [Bride's name] see their four hands as healer, protector, shelter and guide. We ask this in your name, Amen.